
硫酸乙酰肝素 Syndecan-1和乙酰肝素酶1在结直肠癌中的表达及对其搬运和预后的影响

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[摘要] 意图 评论Syndecan-1和乙酰肝素酶1(heparanase 1,HPA1)在结直肠癌安排中的表达水平缓对其搬运和预后的影响。 办法 选用原位杂交技能检测177例结直肠癌安排中Syndecan-1和HPA1的表达水平,比较Syndecan-1、HPA1 mRNA表达与结直肠癌临床病理目标、疾病预后的联系。 成果 在177例标本中,Syndecan-1 mRNA和HPA1 mRNA的阳性例数分别为75例和99例;Syndecan-1 mRNA及HPA1 mRNA阳性表达率与肿瘤滋润深度、TNM分期、淋巴结搬运、远处搬运和脉管癌栓密切相关(P<0.01);Syndecan-1 mRNA水平与HPA1 mRNA表达呈负相关(P<0.01);Syndecan-1 mRNA低表达均匀生计时刻和5年生计率低于高表达组,HPA1 mRNA阳性表达均匀生计时刻和5年生计率低于阴性表达组。 定论 Syndecan-1低表达和HPA1高表达对结直肠癌的侵袭和搬运具有协同效果;两者结合有助于术后评价效果和判别预后。

[关键词] Syndecan-1;乙酰肝素酶1;结直肠癌;预后

[中图分类号] R735.3[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)04(c)-0015-03

The impact of mRNA expression of syndecan-1 and heparanase1 in relation to tumor progression and prognosis of colorectal cancer

CHEN Yu-ning1 ZHANG Yi1 JIANG Fu-bing2

1.Department of Gastroenterology,the Third People′s Hospital of Huizhou City in Guangdong Province,Huizhou 516002,China;2.Department ofGastrointestinal Surgery,the Third People′s Hospital of Huizhou City in Guangdong Province,Huizhou 516002,China

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the mRNA expression of syndecan-1 and heparanase 1 in colorectal cancer,and their relationship between the progression and prognosis of the diseases. Methods In situ hybridization was used to examine mRNA expression of syndecan-l and HPA1 in 177 specimens of colorectal cancer.The relationship between mRNA expression and pathology indicators as well as prognosis of disease was observed. Results The positive numbers of syndecan-1 mRNA and HPA1 mRNA were 75 cases and 99 cases.The expression of syndecan-1 mRNA and HPA1 mRNA were related to tumor invasion depth,lymph node metastasis,TNM,distant metastasis and vessel invasion (P<0.01).There was a negative relationship between Syndecan-1 mRNA and HPA1 mRNA expression (P<0.01).The mean survival time of cases with low expression of syndecan-1 mRNA was significantly shorter than that of cases with high expression.The mean survival time of heparanase mRNA positive cases was significantly shorter than that of cases with negative expression. Conclusion The low expression of syndecan-1 and positive expression of HPA1 can predict the invasion and metastasis of colorectal cancer.They can be used as markers of progression and prognosis of colorectal cancer.

[Key words] Syndecan-1;Heparanase 1;Colorectal cancer;Prognosis

近三十年来,跟着环境和生活方式等要素的改动,我国结直肠癌的发病率敏捷添加,已成为增加最快的肿瘤之一[1-2]。Syndecan-1作为一种跨膜硫酸乙酰肝素蛋白多糖(HSPGs),是胞外基质的重要组成成分。新近研讨发现,Syndecan-1与整合素、钙黏素等一起构成细胞间黏附分子复合体,参加胞间和胞外基质之间的黏附,具有促进细胞增殖,按捺肿瘤成长、搬运,保持细胞分解等效果[3]。而乙酰肝素酶1(heparanase 1,HPA1)能够降解HSPGs的糖类侧链,促进肿瘤细胞滋润和搬运[4]。现在关于两者对结直肠癌的转归状况报导较少,为此本研讨检测了Syndecan-1和HPA1在结直肠癌安排中的表达水平,评论它们对结直肠癌搬运和预后的影响。

1 材料与办法

1.1 一般材料


1.2 试验办法

标本惯例固定、脱水,白腊包埋,切片后走Syndecan-1和HPA1 mRNA原位杂交检测。Syndecan-1和乙酰肝素酶寡核苷酸探针以及原位杂交试剂盒均购自武汉博士德公司,操作程序严厉依照阐明书进行。选用Masola等[5]引荐的办法,由2位病理医生选用双盲法作出判别,细胞质染成棕黄色颗粒为Syndecan-1和HPA1 mRNA阳性体现。依据阳性细胞占悉数肿瘤细胞的百分比进行分级:<10%为(-);10%~50%为(+);51%~75%为(++);>75%为(+++)。Syndecan-1表达(-)~(+)为低表达组,(++)~(+++)为高表达组。将HPA1 mRNA(-)者归为阴性表达组,(+)~(+++)者为阳性表达组。

1.3 统计学处理

所得数据选用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计学剖析,选用χ2查验剖析Syndecan-1、HPA1 mRNA表达与各项病理目标的联系,选用秩和查验进行Syndecan-1和乙酰肝素酶相关性剖析,生计剖析运用Kaplan-Meier法,用寿数表法核算生计率,用Log-rank查验进行比较,以P<0.05为差异有统计学含义。

2 成果

2.1 Syndecan-1 mRNA、HPA1 mRNA的表达与结直肠癌病理目标的联系

在结直肠癌177例标本中,Syndecan-1 mRNA高表达者为75例(42.4%),低表达者102例(57.6%);HPA1 mRNA阴性表达78例(44.1%),阳性表达99例(55.9%)。在结直肠癌标本中,Syndecan-1 mRNA和HPA1 mRNA阳性颗粒在细胞质上色(图1、图2)。Syndecan-1 mRNA和HPA1 mRNA的表达在肿瘤滋润深度、TNM分期、淋巴结搬运、远处搬运和脉管癌栓中差异有统计学含义(P<0.01)(表1)。Syndecan-1 mRNA与HPA1 mRNA的表达呈显着负相关(r=-0.832,P<0.01)。

2.2 Syndecan-1 mRNA、HPA1 mRNA表达与结直肠癌预后的联系

Syndecan-1 mRNA高表达患者的均匀生计时刻为65.2个月,是低表达组的2.1倍(31.3个月),5年生计率(51.6%)显着高于低表达组(26.4%)(χ2=25.97,P<0.05)(图3)。HPA1 mRNA阴性表达患者的均匀生计时刻为67.6个月,是阳性表达组的2.2倍(30.7个月),5年生计率(53.2%)显着高于阳性组(24.6%)(χ2=23.19,P<0.05)(图4)。

图3 Syndecan-1表达与结直肠癌患者生计的联系

3 评论






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[10]Xu Y,Yuan J,Zhang Z,et al.Syndecan-1 expression in human glioma is correlated with advanced tumor progression and poor prognosis[J].Mol Biol Rep,2012,39(9):8979-8985.

[11]Shevelev OB,Rykova VI,Fedoseeva LA,et al.Expression of Ext1,Ext2,and heparanase genes in brain of senescence-accelerated OXYS rats in earlyontogenesis and during development of neurodegenerative changes[J].Biochemistry,2012,77(1):56-61.

[12]Rops AL,van den Hoven MJ,Veldman BA,et al.Urinary heparanase activity in patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes[J].Nephrol Dial Transplant,2012,27(7):2853-2861.

[13]Peerless Y,Simon E,Sabo E,et al.Normal colon tissue and colon carcinoma show no difference in heparanase promoter methylation[J].Exp Mol Pathol,2013,94(2):309-313.

[14]Kutsenko OS,Kovner AV,Mostovich LA,et al.Expression of heparanase-1 in prostate gland tumors[J].Bull Exp Biol Med,2012,152(3):344-347.

[15]Baker AB,Gibson WJ,Kolachalama VB,et al.Heparanase regulates thrombosis in vascular injury and stent-induced flow disturbance[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2012,59(17):1551-1560.

[16]Sung JJ,Lau JY,Goh KL,et al.Increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in Asia:implications for screening[J].Lancet Oncol,2005,6(11):87l-876.

